I finally got around to working with my new 357 mag Handi rifle barrel recently. Wanting to give it something resembling a real chamber, I decided to go with 357 Max to see how that worked. I checked into Reamer Rentals, or just buying one, and decided they were not needed. I got a .382" straight chucking reamer from MSC and used that. I lengthened the factory chamber to 1.610", (the brass I have it 1.590) and polished it out. Presto - instant Max chamber, decent looking throat, and it only cost me $18 to do it. I shot it today with some light loads using 158gr. plainbase cast bullets and 700X, and it held less than 3/4 inch at 50 yards. Looks like a good start to me! I got it for my kids to use in our cast bullet silhouette matches, and it should work great for that.