I would expect the brush to be OK for the .270, since the case is essentially the 30-06. I don't know about the 6mm since it has more taper then the '06, however, I use my 30-06 Remington chamber brush on my 6mm, so unless the brush you have has a thick centre or is inflexible, I'd expect it to be OK.
I use IMR 4350 for the 6mm and haven't had a problem with jamming (42.5 gr gave me 2870 fps), but I haven't tried any of the newer powders in it. My 30-06s found 4350 to be too slow, and I got my best results with IMR 4320, but again, I plan to try some of the newer powders. IMR 4064 is usually recommended for the 30-06 in the Remington autos, but I could never get it to produce the velocities I wanted in my guns.