Author Topic: Is a single action that far behind?  (Read 2920 times)

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Offline leverfan

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2005, 08:36:53 PM »
Quote from: jd45
Leverfan, say it ain't so that Clint & his movies were responsible for more people buying S&W double action revolvers, (M-29s), as opposed to Colt or Colt-type single-action replicas. After all, he made more westerns than modern-day police/detective movies, didn't he? (I hope!) JD45


Well, let's just say Clint had lots of help selling single actions, from guys like Randolph Scott, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, etc.  I think it's hard to give Clint too much credit for those sales, even though he's used one heck of a variety over the years.

But Clint helped the M29 fly off the shelves, go for scalpers' prices, and generally keep S&W busy for a loooong time.  The 29 was already doing that on its own, but the effect of Clint's movies boosted it through the roof.
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Offline Mannlicher

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2005, 12:28:45 PM »
I carry a .45 Ruger Bisley Vaquero from time to time.  I use a Mernickle  PS6-SA holster.  I carry extra rounds in a custom pocket holder with that zips closed with velcro.  With practice, I find that you can bring a SA into play as fast as any other gun.  My Vaquero is quite accurate, and I would hope I need not reload.  :)
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Offline dogngun

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2006, 10:48:40 AM »
I have been shooting SA revolvers on and off for about 30 years. I have on occasion carried one for what ever reason, including protection.

If I were expecting a gunfight and couldn't avoid is, I'd want my AK and my S&W 9mm, but  I don't hang around war zones.

 IN MY OPINION, 5 shots in a large caliber revolver that the shooter can handle well is adequate, again, if the shooter does his part.

Spray and pray is not an option -  cool, accurate fire is the answer.


Offline flamenblaster

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2006, 11:32:24 AM »
ive seen a few people at the range shooting da revolvers...and operating them as a single action..easier to hit that way..but if a person is going to carry a da then they should practice shooting it in that mode the majority of the time maximize their skills and the advantage potentially gained by the da. i say potentially because if a lack of practice causes a pulled shot at close range under stress than no gun at all is about as effective.
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Offline jimster

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2006, 03:06:26 PM »
Great post, good topic, and lots of good reading here!
I cut my teeth on a single action, sure I practice lots with the 1911 types, always have, but I've had single actions in my hands just as many years and pulled them in and out of holsters enough to wear all the finish off them. I do not feel underguned with 5 rounds in a six shooter. If it's the first shot that counts (and it is) someone that practices with a single action will kick butt. You get good at what you practice with.

Offline AzDrifter

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2006, 06:56:49 AM »
Statistics on what happens with other people and what they use in a fire fight won't mean a thing when the chips are down for YOU.  Use what you're familiar with, and practice enough to stay familiar with it.

Your best defense is between your ears; the firearm just gives you more options when the going gets tough.


Offline SeekHer

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Is a single action that far behind?
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2006, 06:25:11 AM »
It goes back to the old debate of what is better a 9mm with 15 shots or a .45 ACP with 7...

Same thing here...would being hit by a single .45 LC or a .44/40 round put down your opponent better than 3 rounds (double tap body one head) of a 9mm...

The old revolver LEOs shot a lot better, on average, then modern semi auto shooters...they had to as they only had 6 they made every one count...and they were doing it with .38 caliber rounds...

I've carried a 4½" Ruger .41 Mag in a concealed carry strong side holster for so many years that I've worn the blueing off and the holster wouldn't fit anything else as it's patterned now for that gun only...mine was made by a local saddle maker but is very similar to the one that C. Rusty Sherrick makes...

I'm looking into getting a Kydex holster made for it...stuff wasn't around 30 years ago when I bought the pistol, soon as I find a maker that can and will do it...I guess you can say that in this case old meets new
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