Howdy, this is my first post but I've been reading the forum for a bout a month now.
35+ years ago I was rated as an 'expert" shooter by the USMC... That seems to have gone down hill in the interim. Haven't shot for a while and a friend and I are just getting back into it. (last daughter graduated college) :grin:
Thought it would be fun to work with single action and levergun - Single action is proving to be quite the challenge.
My buddy and I are puzzled...
Both being fond of anything "45", we each bought Rugers in .45 Colt. I got a Blackhawk convertible and he picked up two Vaqueros.
Now, we used to shoot together and neither of us has shot for a decade or so and we're getting back into it, but we still have some basic skills.
Here's the problem - none of the Rugers really shoot a group. Admittedly, with older eyes I can't shoot what I used to but I can still print a group with my 686 and 1911, and he can load the same .45's into his Model 25 and shoot a 2" group at 25 yards.
We took our targets and taped them to "D" size engineering drawings so we could see where they are hitting -
All three of them hit consistently low, but other than that there is no rhyme or reason. more like a buckshot pattern than an actual group.
We've used slugs of 200, 250, 255, and 300 grains, and more loads than I can recall - same results. These are cast slugs, haven't tried jacketed bullets yet.
I've got a 1955 Single-Six that I bought used in 1968 - and it shoots better than these new guns.
Any ideas?