I took a couple year tour on the traditional side, and it was great! I missed my compound and the accuracy and long holds at full draw. My darling wife turned next year's project into today's shooter, literally overnight!! Here is what I came up with:
BOW - PSE Nova Mossy Breakup 63 lbs@29" Lightning 3 cam.
Arrows -Carbon Xpress Realtree Terminator Hunters, L/Helical vanes.
Broadheads -Haven't decided
Release -TruFire wrist strap caliper
Sights -PSE Basic 1 pin, I always shot one pin, I just take all of the others off.
Rest - Prong rest came with the bow, put shrink wrap on prongs
Golden Key Tranquilizer Stabilizer.
Shooting 3" groups@ 25 yards already!!
What's a good broadhead, 100 grains? I was shooting Muzzy 90 4blades a few years ago, but some of those mechanicals look soooooooo nice! How do the Grim Reapers stack up?? Thanks for the help in advance!! JeffG