No offense meant to these other fine gentlemen, but the .45 Colt was our first seriously powerful handgun cartridge and for decades it was loaded with BLACK powder. All those cowboys, all those cavalrymen, all those homesteaders, prospecters, gamblers, teamsters, pioneers and other folks who made the American West come alive used this cartridge loaded with BLACK powder. It is an honor and a privilege to do so today. Do yourself a favor and pick a 250-260-grain soft lead bullet with a proper BP lube and load it over a drop-tubed case full of BLACK powder and give it a good crimp and then go shoot these loads. They have a bang and a boom and a buck that is a sacred and historic AMERICAN experience. Yes, you'll have some sooty cases and a gun that smells like eggs left out in the sun, but by God, you'll know what it felt like to shoot a .45 dang Colt like your great grandfather did, and you'll appreciate the maintenance chores they took for granted.
And I think you wil find it will do for whatever you need done, and it's accurate, too, even with BLACK powder.
Read Keith on this matter.
God bless you