Author Topic: A Nation of Wimps  (Read 342 times)

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A Nation of Wimps
« on: September 02, 2005, 03:34:53 AM »
A Nation of Wimps

Michael E. Cook

I have received many contacts after my article on the United Nations attempting to get a treaty signed that would take your gun rights from you. Most from very well informed people who informed me that the Constitution is not trumped by a treaty and that any treaty signed must be within the limits of our Constitution. I must say this is good information, however I offer you the following as an argument against this being what will happen.
Most of you will say this is America and we only allow our government to do what we want. Well I think this nation and the people who are now living have lost the meaning of true freedom and the will to fight wrongs. After saying that, I will tell you why.

How many came forward in the fight to stop land use planning and the courts while the enviro-whacko’s took our land rights from us. All this based on un-Constitutional laws passed by our elected leaders. Just look at what the Endangered Species Act has done to this nation. Where is the out cry from freedom loving Americans to change or put a stop to this law?

The sad fact is that this nation is being run by a minority, not the majority as it should be. If a person stands up against these so called leaders then they are called extremists and belittled by the minority until they hide their head in shame. If they don’t hide then they are threatened and ran into hiding. The same is taking place with people in public office all the time. Just look at what is happening with the people that our President is appointing to the courts.

Now we have national organizations that answer to no one but themselves and the people who are pushing their agenda on us forcing things on states and getting away with it because the people allow it. If you don’t see it just think about how the generation that gave us our freedom in world war two would have reacted to having wolves planted in their state of residence. Allowing this and other stupid things to be shoved down our throats, without a fight, shows that we the people no longer have the will to fight for our rights and our freedoms. None of this was done through a vote of the people in that area or anywhere else.

Right now everyone is upset about the price of gas and how high it is. Has anyone done anything to stop it? No, the price keeps going up and we continue to buy it and travel as much as before. This also drives the price up on everything else we buy and use, where is the outrage and the fight to stop it? Have we become a nation of wimps afraid to take on the issues that affect our lives and freedoms? I think so.

You must ask yourself if we will stand by and surrender our weapons when the time comes, or will we fight. I’m not talking about a shooting war; I’m talking about demanding that our government do what is right and Constitutional. You and I have seen them bend to public will before when the pressure is put on. Now many times they bend to pressure by minority groups and those with the most money. We don’t even see the Republicans who are in a majority standing up to the Democrats who are not. When will they tell them to take a hike and do the right thing? They all seem to be afraid of the media and what will happen if they fight this minority of people who are attempting to sway public opinion.

The sad thing is that there are so many people following right along like sheep with this minority that many times they do influence the vote. Just look at what happened here in Oregon with the bear and cougar baiting and hound hunting law that was passed by a very small majority in 1994, who were told and showed lies by those who wanted to stop this form of hunting. Many people bought it hook line and sinker and an elected bunch of representatives who are afraid to take action. Now we are living with the results of a very bad law that has changed the wildlife balance to the point that soon deer and elk will be endangered. Common sense and reason seem to have no place in our society any more. We have become a nation run on knee jerk reactions to stupid ideas. It’s time to turn that around before it is to late, if it isn’t already.

God Bless America and God bless our troops still in harms way.

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.