Author Topic: Wisconsin early season goose  (Read 568 times)

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Offline Nixter

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Wisconsin early season goose
« on: September 04, 2005, 03:42:55 PM »
Well we got our early season for goose started today. The season opened on the 1st but we didn't get out until today. Jon and I were at the field before daylight to asses our fields and set our decoys.

Standing corn overlooking a small hayfield with a small knoll right at half of the long side of the field. We chose the knoll so as to give the geese a beeter view of our small spread. We used a dozen Big-Foot full body decoys. They were set in what might resemble two small family groups that were mingling and feeding together.

As daylight approached it was time to head for the corn and load and wait... My Benelli was fresh from a cleaning and once over last night as was Jons' Charles Dlay. I dropped one in the chamber and released the bolt with a sure sounding kerchunk. The next two went into the mag, the second of those went in real far as I sent it home...? That's odd. Why did it go in so far? My heart jumped.


I un-loaded the Benelli and removed the mag cap. Curses no plug!! I hed forgotten to re-install it the night before. Cased the gun and humped it back to the truck before a warden could show up.

No back-up gun either. Not a good start for the season.


Offline Nixter

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Wisconsin early season goose
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 03:44:45 PM »
Well, were here and a back-up gun is too far to go and get so we'll just make do with what we got. One caller, Jon, one flagger,Me, and a shooter. Whoever gets to Jons' gun first.

The birds weren't real active this morning, first small flock in the distance about two hours after we set up. No response to our attempts at getting them to our spread. Lots of Sandhill Cranes were in the air and those are always cool to hear and see. Purple Martins were doing their amazing acrobatics catching bugs in the field before us. Mourning doves and pidgeons added to the avian activity as well as the noisy and nosy crows.

Wait, here'em? GEESE!

Snap too Jon, get on that flute and make some goosey noises. I grabbed the flag and started waving like a madman but I couldn't see the birds. Jon yelled for the flag and told me to grab his gun.

Ok, here they come heart pounding with the first flight of the season approaching our spread. They came from our left and from behind us. Passed over and turned back to set into the wind.

Get ready Jon yells. I step to the first row of corn as the birds made their way noisily down.

Take'em!! I drew a bead on one and held it for what seemed forever before I squeezed of the shot. Boom. As the goose folded at the shot my heart raced wildly as I drew a bead on another one. Rushed both of the next two shots and missed both birds by a mile.

One bird out of a flight of twelve. Elated at the one bird we took I was also disappointed that because of my mistake Jon didn't get a chance to shoot. We could have had quite a few more birds.

Better hunting tomorrow as we will take Jons' two step-sons and his wife as well. Hope to see some more big honkers.
