You either have better competition with in-season natural crops that bears love, or another close by bear bait ( 1000 yards is close when it comes to how far a bear travels every day), or the puppy hitting your bait found it's way to the taxidermist's already. The only thing I could suggest is the obvious: put out about 7# of sweats/apples/grease using a few pounds above ground where the breeze can do the work for you. As soon as a bear starts hitting your bait, don't do any more above ground sent efforts and cut back on the amount you feed Mr Bear, but feed him every day at the same time. If you have one hitting every 2nd or 3rd day(night) you have one traveling a circuit of 40 miles or so. Not good. Too many hunters in 40 miles. Often, they will stick close by a feeding station if they can depend on fresh sweets on a daily basis... at least 4 or 5 pounds worth. Late in the season, thou, a bear will eat 24 hours a day if he can, and that can get expensive.