Author Topic: Burris Scopes vs Other Brands  (Read 1541 times)

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Offline dbuck

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« on: February 26, 2003, 11:29:00 AM »
I just purchased a Howa 1500 Lighting in 308 and I have to purchase a new scope for it.  I have a Remington 700 7-08 with a Burris Fullfield II
4.5X14PA42 with Ballistic Plex.  That rifle and scope brought down to trophy deers last year in Wyoming in two days at a distance of 413 yds. and 417 yds. by my nephew and myself, so I really believe in that Ballistic Plex.

Given thatl I don't see anyone on this forum rocking the house talking about Burris scopes and their quality or lack of, its like they are way down on everyones list.  I thought they were a top optic company.

I have narrow my choice down to this:

1.  Leupold 3.5X10 (40) Vari-XIII              424.00
2.  Nikon 3.3X10AO (44) UCC Monarch      339.00
3.  Burris 3.5X10 (50) Fullfield II               329.00
4.  Bushnell 2.5X10 (40) Elite 4200            329.00
5.  Bushnell 2.5X10 (50) Elite 4200            377.00

I was really ready to bite on the Elite 4200, except for one big think (Eye Relieve).  I don't need that scope coming back on my head (been their, done that).  Leupold has the best and Bushnell has the worst.  Give all this information the floor is open, what would you recommend and why.  Remember for every manufacture of a product their is an upside and usually a down side also.  I would really like to hear your comments.


Offline jhm

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2003, 11:48:59 AM »
dbuck: do you think the howa in 308 will recoil enough to overcome the 3.5 I believe eye relief of the bushnell ?  If you do then I would go with the scope with the longer eye relief for confidence and safety. :D   JIM

Offline dbuck

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2003, 12:02:41 PM »
I was looking in the Cabela's catalog and it stated that eye relieve for a Elite 4200 was 3" for the 40 Obj. lens and 3.250 for the 50 Obj. lens.  It it is 3.5 then I don't have a problem at all with it.  That would put them in the same ball park as Burris and Nikon, but less then Leupold.


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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2003, 01:15:34 PM »
dbuck I dont have a spec. chart on them I just thought I saw Zacary state 3.5 on one of the other posts, but whatever it is if it is inside the range you will be comfortable with go with the one that gives you the eye reliev you need. :D   JIM

Offline TheOpticZone

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2003, 01:31:00 PM »

I looked in Bushnell's Catalog and the eye relief for both of the 2.5-10's is 3.3 inches. The elite 4200 4-16's have 3.5 and 3.6.
Jon Jackoviak
The Optic Zone

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Offline dbuck

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2003, 02:55:42 PM »
Thanks for the help on the eye relieve.  Given the above choices which scope would you purchase.  I have never owned a Bushnell or Nikon scope.


Offline TheOpticZone

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2003, 03:06:47 PM »
Personally I would take the Leupold Var-X III.  I currently own 3 of them and like the eye relief, clarity, durability and warranty.  Don't get me wrong, the Bushnell's and Nikon's are great scopes.  Another one that I really like, but I wish if the company was a little more stable is the Weaver Grand Slam.  Optics are remarkable for the money.
Jon Jackoviak
The Optic Zone

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Offline Zachary

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2003, 12:22:43 PM »
Sorry I'm getting in here kinda late, but I had to give a lecture in a legal seminar to about 300 fellow lawyers all day today.  It's refreshing to have a discussion with normal people. :wink:

Yes, when I said 3.5" of eye relief for the Elite 4200, I was talking about the 4x-16x-50.  The others have anywhere between 3.0 to 3.3.

I have repeatedly said that my only gripe about the Elites is that their eye relief is pathetic - too dang short.  Still, I really don't think that you are going to have to worry about it with a .308.

Now, as for the other models.  I own the following makes and models:

Leupold Vari-X IIIs
Bushnell Elite 4200s
Burris Black Diamonds
Nikon Monarch
Nightforce NXS

The Vari-X IIIs have the longest eye relief, and they really are great scopes.  

The Elite 4200s, in my opinion, have better glass, and they have rainguard, and 3" of eye relief for a .308 shouldn't be a problem.  

I have no experience with the Burris model you mentioned.

Nikon monarchs are awesome, being about the same thing as an Elite 4200 without the rainguard, but with longer eye relief.

Bottom line - you simply can't go wrong with either the Vari-X III, Elite 4200, or Nikon Monarch.  


Offline dbuck

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2003, 02:46:09 PM »
Well, I ended up purchasing a Nikon Monarch 3.3X10AO from John at The Optic Zone.  I want to thank everyone who responded to my request for information.


Offline Hawgcaller

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Optic Zone
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2003, 03:52:06 PM »
I have been following this thread, and would like to add my$.02 to this. I am glad to see you bought your scope from Jon at The Optic Zone. From my observation, he has never promoted himself nor his business on this forum. He always has advice and commentary regarding optic discussions. He appears to be here for the joy of discussion and search for knowledge, just like most of us. We all know where bargain basement pricing on the items that we want, but there is more to it than just throwing down the cash and walking out with the merchandise. Jon appears to be the kind of guy to help us get what we need, not necessarily what we think we want. I do not do business with counter
people who only stand there and offer no help when we are are shopping and possibly have not made our mind up as to what we really want, and some input would help in making that decision. I will support those who try to help us getting the most bang for our dollars. That sometimes requires us to pay more than WallyWorld type prices. But to me it's worth it . I have been to his web site and feel his prices are bargains also, along with good service. When I buy one of those 17HMR's, I will be buying from The Optic Zone. Sorry for such a long post. Have a Great Day!!! :D  :D
This is not a paid commercial testimony :-D  :-D  :-D

Law Dog
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Offline TheOpticZone

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2003, 02:34:54 AM »

I would like to say, "Thanks" for the support.  My wife and I started this business for the exact reason you stated.  You go to a outdoor store and they are out for the money.  No help or just don't know much about the products.  We try to help the customer get what they need or what.  I admit that I don't know everything about every product, but if I don't know, I find out and let the customer know, if it even takes all day on the phone.  Our customer is #1 and we look at it this way, we help people the way I would like to be treated.

Thanks to everyone on this board for the support.  This board rocks!
Jon Jackoviak
The Optic Zone

The Place for all your Optic Needs!

Offline dbuck

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Burris Scopes vs Other Brands
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2003, 05:36:09 AM »
Jon was most helpful in my selection with the scope, rings, and base.  I will receive my scope in a few days and I'm looking forward to going out and shooting it when the weather breaks.  This will be one of the ones I will take to Alaska with me in August.  It was a tough choice between the Nikon and Elite 4200, but I was concerned about the eye relieve, but as stated in one of the post, with a 308 I shouldn't have a problem with the 4200, but I just elected to go with the Nikon to be on the safe side and its a great scope.
