Finally took the Handi 30-30 to the range yesterday. I had 1/2 a box of Winchester 150 gr and some handloads (my first ever) (Sierra 125 FN HP over 27 gr H4895). Scope is a Bushnell Legend 2X7. Sighted in at 50 yards with 150's. While it shot 3 inches low two were touching and the third wasn't far off, Big Surprise for me. Adjusted scope to hit 1 1/2" inch high at 50 yards and fired one group with 150's and one group with the handloads I made. Another Big Surprise, two 3/4" groups. Something must be wrong, I don't shoot that well. Moved out to 100 yards just for fun and to open up my groups. Would you believe with the handloads I fired a 3/4" group!! Out of everything I fired I had 2 flyers that were my fault. I usually just lurk around this site picking up information and don't brag about anything (usually nothing to brag about) but this time I just got to. Got to Love the Handi!!