Sorry, Redhawk, you are wrong. I've used numerous premium bullets. I still do if the situation calls for them. Of several different makes. In their place they do a good job. However anytime someone doesn't agree with you, or gets tired of hearing you rant, they become "premium bullet haters". Kinda like that thinly disguised "premium bullet" thread you started. It really had nothing to do with premium bullets but rather was just another opportunity for you to tout Barnes bullets.
I like NP's and Grand Slams. And I've shot quite a few Woodleigh bullets. They have never failed to fetch what I've sent them after.
But then, with one exception, so have the standard bullets.
That should be bottem line don't you think?
If someone ask "what about a xxx bullet" and I have any experience with it, I try to tell them what my experiences, good or bad, have been. I don't try to sell them stock in a company they're not interested in.
As far as not reading your post, I try not to but there are other folks that come in these threads that have experiences and knowledge that could be of value to us all. I find it hard to concentrate on their information when they are being shouted down at every turn. And, of course, there are some that may not post valuable information lest they be shouted down.
I don't have any problem with you shooting whatever you like. And telling us about it. But every post about bullets shouldn't be turned into some sort of dick-measuring contest.