Well ain't you the lucky one! :grin:
With both use 20 to 30 grains of Pydrodex "P" grade (yeeeeech) under a .451 or .454 roundball, # 10 or 11 cap. You likely will have to order #10, and #11's are more available.
#11 will work even if they are loose.
If You locate black then use FFFg, that's 3 fg.
If using Triple 7 available at most Walmarts with Pyrodex, then use 3fg grade in Triple 7 BUT cut loads back to no more than 25 grains by volume and I'd suggest 20 grains is enough T-7 to start with.
Be sure to completely clean the things after shooting.
Being new you want to learn all you can here and get some reading materail to boot.
Ask any questions, these guy are a great bunch and will all help out.
Those are not toys. Don't think I'm lecturing you, but I don't know if you know anything at all so excuse me if I sound too basic.
Guys, let pitch in and help 'newbie' get hooked like us. :grin: