I'll take a 4 shot string measuring .522" - would anyone else? She shot this group for me on Sunday at 50 yards - that would be my one ragged hole I was looking for, now its' over to the 100 yard range for future load testing. I actually was shooting 5 shot strings, but I yanked shot #3 out of the group. Shots #1-#2 and #4-#5 went to the same spot (.52"), #3 blew the group out to 1.02" - so I'm claiming shooter error for that one. The 210 grn Sierra's w/ 20.1 grns. H110 seem to be doing OK at close range. I had to seat the bullet forward at 1.612" +/- .001" and crimp behind the cannelure to get this group. Haven't chrono'd anything yet.