Warhoop, my Hodgdon Manual(#24) shows 26gr to be a starting load, with the 210. It lists this as a 27,400 CUP load from a 7 1/2 inch barrel. I'm guessing a revolver. BUT they list 27gr as a MAX load and 36,000 Cup. That is not only the highest pressure listed for 180-215gr bullets, but is one heck of a jump, for one grain of powder! They do go on up to 39,300 CUP with a 240gr bullet, at max(24gr), but do not list a starting load.
My knee-jerk reaction would be to say that a low (starting) load combined with the low temps to give low pressure. I know Blue Dot is kinda temperature sensitive (it goes ape at freezing temps), but I've not heard of H-110 doing this. That's why I switched from Blue Dot to H-110 for my .44 long ago. You might try 4227. You only lose a little velocity, and I'm told it lessens flash & felt recoil perceptably. If ya' gotta have every last bit of velocity, try 2400. Just my $0.02,,,,,,,,Bug.