I tried them once on some "bigger" passageways through root tangles, bank overhangs, etc. The triggers were a little stiff firing and I think mink were flattening out or somehow sqeezing through without firing, based on tracks in the soft mud.
There is a lot of room around the triggers for a mink to slip through. If they can get their head through, they can get the rest of their body through, too.
I went back to #110s and used some sticks to fence the openings down to just the opening around the #110, and after several catches I've never gone back to #160s. I think a really big male might get snagged on his way through, but a lot of smaller females I believe were making the squeeze with room to spare.
Maybe if you use some wire between the triggers to make the trigger area in the trap opening larger, that would help. Oversized tiggers (long wires) with ends bent up or in, whichever wouldn't matter but key would be to use something for trigger enhancement for filling that opening to prevent a sqeeze-by from a smaller mink.
Thoughts, any one else?