I hope one of you may be able to help me with something. First of all...............shame on me for not trying my gear out in a hunting stuation two weeks before deer season.
This is the problem........................I can shoot fine at target while standing up........................but i tried sshooting from a sitting position and a few times the nock slipped off the string. I shoot a releas that you hold in your hand......has a place for three fingers.
I tred to tie a deer loop to center in behind the nocking point...................but the draw was to long and I couldn't draw it back.
Next year I will use a D loop and shorten the draw on the bow...................right now I don't want to mees with anuthing as I am shooting very well.
The question is.................................what can I do to make the arrow stay on the sting............as I said I pull the string back from just below the nocking point ................I thought about putting a small pice of duck take around the string between the two brass holds.........so the nock and sting would be a tighter fit..............but I'm not sure if it would affect my accuracy.
any suggestions would be appriciated.............(sorry for such a long post)
Tanks Guys,