Late Saturday night when I got back from the Montana Convention my daughter,home from college for the weekend,told me how a coyote "stalked" her and the 2 young dogs.They were on a trail in the north end of the my pasture by the house when a coyote popped up in the tall grass downwind and started to advance.She said it would check the wind,advance,stop and "hop" up and look at them and advance some more.It didn't run off when she started yelling.The lab advanced toward it and growled,this stopped the advance.She and the dogs took off for the barn,there's a .22 inside the door.She said she shot at it but didn't hit it.It left,it would stop trotting and look back,then trotted off.
I have snares in 2 fence crawl unders,2 dirtholes and 2 flatsets on the trails leading into the north end of the pasture.There's coyote tracks in the dust in the trails.I figure he/she was headed to the chicken coop when she took the dogs for a walk.I really wanted to wait 3 or 4 more weeks before going after these coyotes. That's not going to happen,my wife is pissed.
I don't have to justify the 12 dozen traps I bought at the convention Saturday now. :grin: