Well, I don't know about the "to much" part, but it's certainly way more than is needed. A 150lb deer ain't that hard to kill. I do think it's a good timber rifle for elk, thats what I use it for, (Marlin 45-70) and from what I read is one of the favorite calibers for BIG bear protection up North. (I"m combining 450 with the 45-70 as they're kissin cousins) and I have no doubt in my mind it would do that job admirally, but I personally have no desire to test that opinion. I also know that I'm a lousy shot at a dead run, shooting back over my shoulder. (BIG bear scenerio) I am not an advocate of 800 yard shots with 900 magnums, nor the idea that death by a 300 winny is deader than by a 243, and that the majority, let me say VAST majority, of hunters have any business shooting at deer sized game over 300 yards away and truth be known probably closer to 200. Just an opinion, yours may vary, and thats a good thing, else this would be a very boring world. By the way, good luck with the 450. Nice rifle.