its a martin sabre. i just shot it the best out of all that i tried. i tried hoyt vtech, which i liked alot, i shot renerage sx5, which i liked, i shot a bowtech liberty....which i liked the feel but i didnt care for how i shot it.
for once in my life my honest preference took me a less expensive route.
hoyt=expensive, nice shooting, smooth drawing, pretty fast
renegade= not expensive, extremely fast, a bit jumpy..lots of weight needed i think they designed it too light.
bowtech=expensive, smooth draw, a bit squirly, way fast, comfortable grip
martin= cheaper, smooth draw, not the fastest, smooth release, heavy bow, great grip (soft rubber), i hit the best with that one....broke 3 of 5 knocks at 20 yards and grouped everything in the 5 ring on first group after sighting.
wonder if ill use it this year? im kinda into the recurve thing right now.