As far as I'm concerned, Marlin makes the very best lever rifles to be had in the mid price range. You couldn't pry my 39a, 1895GS, or 336CB out of my hands.
As for 22s, the only thing that interests me anymore is my 39a. I still have the 880SQ w/riflebasix, but even at that, if I were buying, I'd look at the CZ instead. Even so, the 880SQ isn't too bad as a boy's rifle for learning accuracy discipline.
As for semi-automatic 22s, you just can't beat the 10/22s for making them just the way that suits you best. Matter of fact, I got rid of a Marlin 15yn for a blued 10/22 for my boys. They have much more fun with it than a single shot. Hi-cap mags, burning ammo on shotgun shells and cans are where it's at.....that is, if you want to see BIG smiles! :grin: :grin:
To my way of thinking, Marlin has gone downhill.....too much cutting corners and lawyer stuff. I guess if "cheap" is the prime motivation, Marlin still has a niche.