Author Topic: VERY IMPORTANT  (Read 676 times)

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Offline oliverstacy

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« on: September 30, 2005, 08:33:23 AM »

This is something very near and dear to me since I have a very close friend that fell in 1996 and is a paraplegic because of it.  He hunted most of his life without one and when his daughters started hunting he didn't want to insist they wore one if he didn't.  

Forgot in one night and didn't think much about it since he hadn't used one in the past.  Passed out and came to on the ground and couldn't move, trust me after nearly 10 years of hunting with him and being around him since, you don't want to be in the same shoes he is.

I have a full body harness and couldn't be happier or feel more safe than I do now. This will be my 21 year bowhunting and I have used one ever since I started.  Trust me their worth there weight in gold.

Good luck tomorrow in Michigan and all the other states that start on the 1st.

My wife once made the mistake of telling me "all of your guns look alike"...No, I've had this gun for a long time! LOL

Offline Redhawk1

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« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 01:34:00 PM »
Very good advice.  :D
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Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
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Offline JPSaxMan

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« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 03:28:05 PM »
I'm not going to be in a treestand on the first day, but when I finally get in one you bet I'll be wearing a harness.

I'm sorry for your loss Josh, it's too bad that your good friends can't be given another chance to remember next time to wear a harness :cry:

Attorney: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in
his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Offline deerslayer15

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« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2005, 05:24:22 PM »
That's the best advise you can give :!:

Have a friend who i have hunted with for 11 years(we were 5 and now 16 and 17). Our dads used to get together and take us with them. 2 years ago we went out on the first day. He had always wore a full body harness ,as did I, but had forgot it in all the excitement of opening day. I tried to talk him into going back to his house and getting it, but he insissted he would be alright, said that he never needed it befor. We split up and were to meet back at noon. When he didn't show up I went and looked for him. Turns out there was just enough forst to make him slip on the metal stand. He fell form 15 feet and now has no use of his legs :cry:  I just wish I would have made him go back and get his harnness.


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Offline oliverstacy

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Make ya sick
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2005, 04:34:42 AM » are probably the only one that will feel the way I do about using a safety belt, something that hits very close to home.  There isn't a deer on this earth worth my legs/life.

I have a seat-o-the-pants harness and love it, wouldn't hunt without it, I feel 100% secure when I use it.  Another buddy of mine purchased a Fall Guy this weekend and used it and loved it.  Basically a seatbelt material that extents 20 ft from it housing unit and acts just like a seat belt.  It extends from the unit attached to your harness and is with you all the way to the ground...hook it to on of your steps and it's there when you're ready to go back up.  In the event of a fall it stops you instantly, no hesitation.  I'm going to buy one this week and hunt with it for the rest of the time.

Deerslayer15, does your friend still hunt?  My buddy hunts from his truck and does quite well.  Uses a 10pt crossbow for archery and gun hunts normal.  Needed to get a permit to do it from his truck, but has no problem shooting deer and turkeys.

Also good advise..."Don't climb unless you have your safety belt."

My wife once made the mistake of telling me "all of your guns look alike"...No, I've had this gun for a long time! LOL

Offline deerslayer15

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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 09:30:10 AM »
Your totally right. It hit's real hard every time I climb into a tree or step into the woods, some times it brings me to tears to think I could have prvented it if I would have been more demanding about him going back and getting his harness.

He still hunts. I take him out to his blinds in my truck, drop him off, go park the truck, and walk back to enjoy the day with him. His family also takes him hunting. Some times he thinks the only reason I take him out is because I feel sorry for him. But that has nothing to do with it, he is my best friend weather he is paralize or not :!:
I told him he should go get a permit to hunt out of a truck. But he always say befor he fell that he thought it to be wrong to hunt out of a truck if you could get out and hunt, and that he can still get out so in his eyes it would be wrong if he hunted from the truck cause he can get out of the truck and into a blind.

I have a garrilla full body harness. I replace mine every 2 years regardless if it is still good! I'm not taking any chances. If I fell my freind wouldn't have a hunting buddy, besides his family members. to take him out.

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Offline ahaunert09

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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2005, 01:42:36 PM »
i have an uncle that hunts alot and he decided to go hunt about 3 hours away by himself and then he didnt really use a harness he thought he didnt use on in the past he didnt need one now. he was about 30 feet up in his fixed stand and he fell. he broke a leg and 2 ribs. he crawed 1 mile out of the woods and called my brother to pick him up. (not wanting to go to the hosital were he was. after all this happens he gets smart and bought the hunter saftey system.