Your totally right. It hit's real hard every time I climb into a tree or step into the woods, some times it brings me to tears to think I could have prvented it if I would have been more demanding about him going back and getting his harness.
He still hunts. I take him out to his blinds in my truck, drop him off, go park the truck, and walk back to enjoy the day with him. His family also takes him hunting. Some times he thinks the only reason I take him out is because I feel sorry for him. But that has nothing to do with it, he is my best friend weather he is paralize or not :!:
I told him he should go get a permit to hunt out of a truck. But he always say befor he fell that he thought it to be wrong to hunt out of a truck if you could get out and hunt, and that he can still get out so in his eyes it would be wrong if he hunted from the truck cause he can get out of the truck and into a blind.
I have a garrilla full body harness. I replace mine every 2 years regardless if it is still good! I'm not taking any chances. If I fell my freind wouldn't have a hunting buddy, besides his family members. to take him out.