If your charge weight is only varying by one or, at most, two tenths of a grain (plus or minus), then all is well. The powder you are using is stick powder and no measure will give you consistent charge weights. However, you will get consistent charge volume, which is what is most important with this type of powder. If this is the kind of variation you are seeing, then you need not adjust the weight of the charge. If the variation is greater than that, then replace your powder measure.
If your dies are for the right cartridge, you should not have to crimp. The bullet should be firmly seated.
Each cartridge should be approximately the same length. Any variation you experience should be within a few thousandths of an inch, and is attributable to slight variations in bullet length. For example, when using soft nose bullets, some of the noses are squished a little more than others. If you are seeing more variation than about 5 thousandths, then I suspect something is loose in your equipment.
Always seat your primers a bit below flush. That is, about two or three thousandths deeper that what it takes to make it flush with the case.
Realistically, you should expect to be able to load about 40 to 50 rounds per hour with your equipment. However, expect to spend all the time you need to get it right when you're starting out.