Hi, i'm curious to know How many of you need a new custom stock for your rifle.....
I'm now building some stocks in some models....for Rem 700 and Mauser '98 (large ring) actions.
I use my native woods like "sonokeling"(indian rosewood-dalbergia latifolla roxb), jati (teak-tectone grandis), selasihan (cinnamomum parthenoxy), maccasar ebony,etc... The woods are "exotic", strong, stable, good figured, and "unique". I also have some blanks if you like.
Please feel free to contact me if you need one,...perhaps we can have a little "barter"...i need some tools/equipments/books, etc....that i can't find here in my country.
BTW, you can find me (sebastian) and some of my stock's work at
http://forums.huntingfirearms.com (most in rifles thread---"stocks, need opinion"---"satin" and "stock evaluation").
Best Regards,
email: visi@telkom.net