Hello guys. A few years back I was asked by my state DNR to trap animals for displays at the county fair. I already had a box trap and so far have been able to get a male and female of each: squirrel, opossum, red fox, grey fox, racoon, swamp rabbit, cottontail, mink and ferret. I keep the animals on my property and pay for food and Vet bills. I am reimbursed annually for the expenses of their care. I have yet to catch a bobcat in the box traps. A year ago I built a half acre deer pen with top hoping to get wounded deer and nurse them back. No success with the wardens getting one. So as it stands I would like some help on how to trap bobcat, deer, coyote and wild pigs without hurting them. My idea was to use snares and use aquarium tubing to insulate the wire from the animal's neck. I know the snares are supposed to strangle, but I thought maybe a button to stop the cable from tightening to much would work. Any suggestions? By the way I have no experience with traps at all, except the little box traps.