I am a feral wild hog trapper agent in Florida and would like to get some basic info on how to catch, trap, or snare coyotes. We have a developing problem with an expanding population of coyotes and I would like to learn how best to begin reducing those numbers. Calling with mouth blown and/or electronic callers has produced zero success.
Leg hold traps, if legal here, seem like they would be the most difficult and most trouble for a beginner to learn how to use and set correctly. In my area of responsibility there is a chain link and hog wire fence that runs several miles down one side of the property. I was thinking that if I could find a crawl under or if I opened a hole in that fence and the coyotes began to use it, a snare set may work well and be easy for me to learn and use. Trapping coyotes will be new to me so I need to start off with the basics.
Any ideas, suggestions, instructions of what to use and how to do it would be appreciated??
Thanks, Dave