I recently purchased this setup plus a set of Lee Pacesetter dies for .30-06 and .243. The other night I loaded a hundred rounds, first time in a little over two hours. I used the powder feed as well as check all powder drops with the included scale. Most needed 3-4 grains (the actual granual piece) added or removed to get the scale right on. I thought for the money it was pretty good. Considering my cousin who is an avid reloader uses RCBS and checked my first few loads saying they were fine, he's pretty particular. I was happy with that.
I could see a need for a bullet puller as mentioned, along with a trickler to add those two to three pieces of powder, although I got by just fine with the LEE scoppe that came with the dies and just tapping my thumb to trickle some out of the scoop to fine tune the load. I loaded another few rounds last night as I'd already shot most of what I loaded the other night.