High and mighty?I have been talking about elk since my first post and trying to share first hand experience with fellow hunters,all i get is argumants about "I did this,and I did that" and i have been trying to get across that if you do this elk hunting it wont work the same,sorry for intruding in your thread that you should have named "poorly placed shots will kill game,sometimes"
Its your attitude that stinks IMO. Your not trying to share anythng but rather are dictating to others what s or isn't an ethical shot. I shared first hand experience as did Nimrod & others. Yours is no less important but to call a shot poorly placed on a deer because you dont think it will work on an Elk is pretty telling, also your repeated digs about gutshooting animals shows that you hold anyone who disagrees with you in contempt.
I shot at 8 deer last year & I killed 8 deer last year. That buck was the only one I took such a strong quatering away shot but I took it because I KNEW I'd get to the vitals & he would die.
That said I sure appreciate your advice regarding ELK & if the oportunty ever does arise that I can hunt them I'll remember what you said. Likely if
I were to hunt Elk it would be with a rifle anyway.