True that. It always amazes me how some are more impressed with a 1.5 you six point than a wise ole doe :cry: .
Congrats on your trophy.
im no trophy hunter. but i do believe in qdm. and shooting little bucks is just ludicris.
alot of guys stuck in the old mundset think its ok to shoot a doe if you are a kid or new hunter, but then after you shoot a doe or two on your first hunts you need to focus on bucks.
im of the mindset you shoot a little buck only if you are a newbie or youth hunter......then its does for meat and 3+ yo bucks....or of course culling bucks that have poor genetics.
the herds will only get better that way.
i guess some still believe if its got headgear no matter how young or how much growing it has left to do its fair game. wish they could see the big picture. i have eaten alot of buck tags and gone without big bucks for a long time in my belief of quality deer management. but ive had an awful lot of fine table fare from all the does ive shot.
i agree its tough to pass up a 14" 8 pt...but really if it aint worthy of a wall mount...let em grow. if we all stuck to shooting 16" minimums or 3 year old bucks...there'd be alot more of them to go around.