JerryNH ,, Yes I am a Maine resident, Lived here all my life except fro 4 years in the Army. Hunt and fish on a regular basis. The maine warden service has been declining in quality in my opinion for years, It is getting harder and harder to live here. Maine is a nice place to visit but living here with the high taxes, declining road quality and wardens is getting tough. It has gotten so bad in this area that If I pull into a boat launch and see there truck and trailer I go somewhere else. There have even been articles written in local papers about this rift. I had a warden sneek up on me a few years back. I was fly fishing on one side of the stream. He was on the other side, He wanted to see my licence, He made me wade to the far side to show him. It was tough going. fairly deep and fast flowing and slippery. I almost fell in. I told him next time it is your turn to wade across. He gave me an irrated look and left. It was my attempt to irrate him, so I just smiled. he was rude! I know it is not just my attitude as most all of my friend feel the same way. They just tried to prosecute a local hunter for not labeling his deer meat properly. They went to the guys house on a so called anomomus tip. They do this all the time. Asked him to open his freezer, They found a few packages of unlabeled meat, Deer meat. The warden told him he needed to labe it with the name of the pearson and their licence number etc. He said he would and the warden left. He imediatly labeled it all. 4 hours later the warden returned and gave him a summons. Wow, that is not good PR. Yes it is the law to label game meat, the guy is no poacher just did not label properly. The warden just changed his mind. The guy challenged it and won, If your going to give a ticket, do it then. not go home and come back later. I while back I had complained about a local police officer. It all blew over but for a while cops looked at me in traffic all the time. They seemed to have forgotten now. Also had a cop come thru my back yard at night a year ago, I just happened to be passing a window and spotted him. He was looking for my girlfriends son, who a witness in some small claims suit. I told him he should not be wandering around back yards in the night! it was dangerous, He could be mistaken for a burgular or trip and fall on one of my weird projects I have going. He said he knocked on the front door but my girl friend was sitting not five feet from the door reading some romance novel. She never heard nothing. He never knocked , He took offence. I will shut up now!