Well sorry to say that my 'gun buying' got slowed down considerably by some unexpected car repairs. But I have the gun home and I got to shoot it Christmas day. Not a lot, 30 or so rounds, but enought to get a feel for the gun and where she shoots. I was running full loads, 9 gr unique with 255 gr bullets and some of the RCBS 275 gr SWC over 20 gr of 4227. After I realized I need a firmer grip on the gun, it shot very well. It shot the best with the 275 RCBS bullets and right to the sights. About an inch and a half at 20+ yards. The smaller grips did rap my knuckle with the trigger guard a couple of times until I held the gun firmly. But I really like the feel of the 'colt' style grip frame and the thinner grips! She's definately a keeper. Now if I can just get one in .44 spl! 44 Man