this is the way i make wadds for the cannon i have , first i have to make a mold about .010 bigger than the bore, then i save the egg cartons and newspapers for a while tear cut, or grind up the paper put bunch in a 5 gallon bucket , add hot water,get out the electric drill paint sterrer, and beat the stuff till a pulp, i supose you could use a blender ( the wife says nO) this stuff dont have to be to fine , and then add Boric acid, or roach powder, 2 tbs in 2 gallons of water, mix well let it set for a while , then take out a hand full and fill the mold press out all of the water you can and gently slip the paper wadd out on something to dry, if and when it drys out , may be a week if large, it is to big make a bit damp when you are going to use it and it will loose some of the hardness and fit the barrel better, remember the tighter the wadd the bigger the bang, just dont fire at Will, you might hit the poor guy