Sorry to be so late checking in pards but I've been in mucho pain. Stayed on my feet too long and I have bad feet which really lay me out in pain from standing that long. That was bad enough but the back went out on me again which is a pretty common occurence really. Took a pain pill and went to bed. Pain is better. Not gone but better.
Had a great time. Nice bunch of pards up there today. Can't say the same for the weather. It was not nice. Cold, wet and windy and me totally unprepared for such weather made for a cold wet day for this old fat boy.
Congratulations on your first place in BP category Holiday. I did take first place overall didn't I? :-D Or was it last place? Pretty sure it was one of those, just can't seem to recall which. :eek:
Dang Bronco pulled the stunt it did on the ill fated Colorado trip on the way back up the hill to Grant. It almost didn't make it back over the top. Dunno what's wrong but for some reason it just lost power and almost didn't get over. That was supposed to have been fixed but obviously isn't.
Thanks to all who had a part in helping me get ready for the first shoot. Will try to have more to say tomorrow. Back is still hurting pretty bad and walking isn't fun rat now. Gonna retire back to my recliner real soon or to bed if it don't ease up some more.
Butler, what kinda spell did you cast on that camera to make a slim trim fellow like me look so fat? :eek: :-D