Well I'm from Texas but always wanted to see a big state and hunt bears.Went to Haines Alaska in 89 to hunt and stayed till fall of 95.Moved back to Texas to see all the new grandkids being born,got ten of them now.Don't really see any of them much and at 60 I'm sure thinking snow is better than hurricanes,live about ten mile from Galveston.After the Ike and the ten days with no electricity,phone,t.v. running water it made me homesick for Haines again.Living on VA disability and SS now so got a regular check coming in. Need to find some place remote but the bride will need to be able to fly out to a beauty shop now and then to stay civil.Got to have mountains with snow on top all year and a place to haul cool clear fresh water from and trees with at least a cord of wood in them.