Since I spent most of the last two years shooting XTC and was monitoring HP Rifle forums, I actually asked Tubbs - who participated in the forum - about the potential of the cartridge for HP silhouette.
Now, this about 2 years ago, and with the advent of 115 gr (and possibly larger) 6mm's, maybe he wouldn't say this now - but at that time he said he'd go with a .260 Remington as the XC was a little light for rams.
Dave - if you're monitoring this, let us know if you still feel this way!
A really interesting cartridge might be a 6.5 XC, giving us that badly needed bullet weight, and getting the bullet base out in front of the donut.
This would be a good fit for the short action 700's.
I've often thought about this, as it would be similar to a 6.5 IHMSA.
I don't know anyone that shot one of these but do know a two pretty good competitors that shot the 7 IHMSA with pretty good results - although both complained about getting - or having to jack around with - brass.