Oh, I can think of a good reason to buy a Savage, ACCURACY!!!
This is one of the best regular production varmit rifles available today &
the low profile version is more attractive than the other Savages, not
pretty, but not bad. It depends on whether you want to shoot or look.
I have a very good Rem. Var. Syn. in 22-250, but your chance of getting
a tack driver is a little better in the Savage when looking at these 2
particular models.
When comparing the 22-250 & 204, if you shoot factory ammo, I would
lean toward the 22-250 due to far more good choices.
If PD shooting will be a big part of your shooting, the 22-250 is NOT a high
volume round, the barrel wear will be excessive, but occasional, careful
PD shooting is OK. Any volume PD shooters that I am aware of use .223
or 204 type rounds.
For Coyotes/Bobcats, the 204 will do fine with the 39 GR. Sierra or Berger
Bullets if you handload at the maximum yardage you stated. If you want
to shoot further, the 22-250 would pull ahead, but it appears you are not
considering that.
It seems that my 22-250 shooting is decreasing as I now use a super
accurate RRA 24" Var. .223 out to 350-400 yards & I have a fast .25
that literally smokes the 22-250 for over 400 yard shots, especially in the wind!