Here's my old Valmet 412 with a quite hard to find bbl set on it. They are 12 guage 3" chambers 36" long with full and full chokes!!
I use to saw them off at 18-1/4" and put the front sight back on and sell them for "self defence" bbls, as i had people asking for a short light set of bbls. mostly for bear protection.
They even have the short rib milled to accept the "excelent" Valmet quick attach scope mount!! These should make an excelent set of turkey bbls, as origionally they were aimed at goose and duck hunters!!
Outside of my shop, i've never seen a set of these, but i'm sure they are out there someplace...
The other bbls in the picture are 12 30" IM/F and a 12 30-06 combi bbl set...
It's amazeing what you will find in your junk "if" you dig long enough!!! :mrgreen:
Drilling Man