This could be huge. As some of you know & if this has been posted, I
apologize, but Barnes is introducing a TSX type bullet with a Ballistic type
tip,(not plastic, though) & a tungston rear core to add weight & reduce length. It is designed to expand down to 1,400 FPS to double bullet dia.,
still penetrate up close at high impact velocities, have a very high BC with
the Bal. Tip design & offer accuracy at least as good as the TSX!!!
I use TSX bullets alot, but I have also been using other bullets as I just
did on an Antelope hunt, & use different types for different applications.
In other words, as good as the TSX is, other bullets were better for me for some hunting. But if this does as expected, this could be the bullet for
all of my hunting except varmits.
I heard about this some time back, but I knew Barnes was trying to keep it hush hush, but the Cat is out of the bag now & other web sites are talking about it & it will be in some mags soon & the Rifle in some places.
Boy, the Barnes haters will be peeing in the wind now!!!