Author Topic: I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!!!  (Read 1477 times)

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Offline xs pro-comp

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!!!
« on: October 27, 2005, 05:29:00 AM »
Last night on the Bill O'Reilly show Bill aired a segment of the speach given by former N.C. State professor Kanau Kambon  :twisted:  calling for the black people to exterminate all white people from the face of the earth. I believe in freedom of speech but to me this is taking that liberty too far to publicly call for the death of all people of one race by the people of another race. Here we are trying to work together to get along and build unity between the races and we have this professor calling out for war. To me this is nothing short of terrorism and should be dealt with as such by the federal government. If there is a flip side to this such as a white guy suggesting the same this for blacks, let the government deal with him also. A human life and a race of people is prescious in the sight of God and should be treated as such by all. I'm not off of my soap box now but I will be silent for now. I'm still trying to understand the thought process of some people, especially those who have higher education and are suppose to be learned in a global sense.  :?

Offline KyBlue51

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 06:29:39 AM »
Maybe that's why he is a "former N.C. State professor"...I agree, no place for this; things are fragile enough as they are without crap like that.  :roll:

Offline FWiedner

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2005, 08:28:57 AM »
To me this is nothing short of terrorism and should be dealt with as such by the federal government.

Whom is this person "terrorizing" by runnning his mouth?

Who is being harmed?

Hate is a natural human emotion, just like racism is a natural human instinct.  Live with it.  It ain't goin' away.

Calling in the federal government every time someone you don't like does something you don't like is just politically correct crap.

It fully qualifies as terrorism and intolerance just as much as the other gentleman's hateful speech.

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.

Offline mjbgalt

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 11:58:49 AM »
I am no lawyer but I believe the law considers speech that suggests or encourages harm to others, as not covered by the first amendment.

Basically why the "don't shout FIRE in a crowded theater" example came to be.

However idiots like him and the KKK are better off being let alone, they tend to be a better deterreant than shutting them up. They dirve off people and let people know what they are really like WITHOUT us doing anything lol.

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline rockbilly

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2005, 12:34:06 PM »
:shock:  :shock: mjbgalt, you are right.  The actions generated from this talk may violate someone's civil rights.  That would get big brother involved.  Many of the laws that govern talk of this nature were designed to stop the same kind of talk from racial groups during the Johnson era.  Mostly for stopping whites from initiating action against blacks, but it applies both ways.  I am not aware of any enforcement when blacks try to stir up trouble, but let it be a white and the federal government is all over them.

I think this kind of "talk" should be stopped period.  Makes no difference what color the lips are that it comes from.  Lets just hope and pray that there are enough wise men of both races to prevent something like this from erupting into a war.

Offline Graybeard

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2005, 01:27:03 PM »
Graybeard's apocholyptic prediction of the future.

We are currently at war with muslims who want to do in all non muslims in the world. Most assume this is merely a lunatic fringe group of Islam. I personally don't think so. I think all of them or at least MOST of them support it at least tacitly. World wide I suspect more muslims are black than white or near white.

I predict the day will come when blacks and whites do indeed make war on each other. If not world wide at least in many areas scattered over a wide part of the world.

I don't think some lunatic like the one on TV will be the reason for it tho. I think it will come about as an offshoot of what's going on now with muslims.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life anyone who believes in Him will have everlasting life!

Offline mjbgalt

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2005, 03:47:43 PM »
WOW. so you contend that the NRA is going to have a big part to play in aborting our rights, AND that there will be a war between blacks and whites?

i hope like hell you're wrong. and if you're not, i hope the war comes BEFORE the gun bans because i don't wanna be unarmed when Terrell Owens and Shaq come to my door.  :)

I have it on good authority that the telepromter is writing a stern letter.

Offline williamlayton

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2005, 10:42:35 PM »
One needs to be very careful when suggesting things like he suggested. There are some folks on the fringe that have a hair trigger and only need a little encouragement.
It is scary folks and well will get more so.

Offline Mikey

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2005, 03:55:41 AM »
Hey, consider the source.  The edge of lunacy is rife in the intellectual - look at the middle east.  There is little difference twixt what is going on in the middle east (mindless suicidal terrorism) and what goes on in the minds of fringe lunatics.  

There was a similar issue here locally with a college professor of color advocating civil unrest and the elimination of the whites from society.  Fortunately he forgot he forgot who he was working for and was asked to leave before the burning crosses and drive-by hangings became a concern.

There is enough concern about racism - that is black to white racial devisiveness - without fringe-runners of one color advocating total elimination of the other, and drugs and general societal dissatisfaction do little but fire the coals.

I have never believed that the blacks intend to live harmoniously with the whites - I feel they live that way because they have no choice.  Had they been left to their own in Africa they would still be practicing ethnic extinction AND ethnic slavery.  The notion of them not preparing for racial warfare is nonsense - do you ever see any of them turning in handguns or rifles.  They feel they need them in case of an attack (the forces of the white man attacking their ghettos) and aren't about to give them up.

You never hear sharpton or jackson or any black 'mouth' advocate the black man turning in his weapons, it always has to be the white man who does so - after all, the average black joe is too poor to own an expensive huntin' rifle or onna dem new semi-av-tow-maticas (thanks to white societal oppression) they would have you believe and only criminals have them, so what is the white man afraid of that he won't turn in his guns.  Hogwash!

Black racists want the white man disarmed so he can be eliminated and that is all there is to it.  Do not ever believe a word out of their mouths.  Keep your guns and ammunition close at hand for the day you will need them is closer than you think.  Mikey.

Offline magooch

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2005, 06:23:35 AM »
Jezzz, I don't agree with FWiedner on much, but on this one he's right.  

Freedom of speech means that you can say stupid things and as long as they cause no demonstrable harm to anyone--have at it.  After all, look at the crap that comes out of the mouths of the blathering, salivating so-called journalists on the tube.  And them butt heads do actually cause a lot of misery to a lot of innocent people.  

To me, most journalists are pretty slimy people and it really makes me gag when they talk about having a special journalists shield when they use un-named sources.

Offline xs pro-comp

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2005, 09:47:47 AM »
The ex-professor Kambon is promoting-no demanding an all out war against the white race by the blacks. He so much has called for all blacks to terrorize and kill all whites. This goes way beyond free speech. He did not just suggest it in his speech, he called for all blacks to eliminate the white people from the face of the earth. Maybe the government shouldn't step in but there should be some white orginization to speak out against what this guy is saying. It is also very perplexing that the national media has had 24hr. coverage of this and what is going on like they did with the statement that William Bennett made last month. Where is the outcry from the whites demanding equal rights and for the oppression the this black professor for promoting racism and the killing of all whites. I fail to see equality here with the media or the black leaders denouncing this racist war maker. By their non-action I can only believe that Jackson, Sharpton and the likes must agree with this racist and the propagander that he is promoting.

Offline rockbilly

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2005, 01:11:05 PM »
:shock: This type of trash talk is not new.  Those of us that were alive and old enough to remember witnessed the same crap back in the 60s.  Several black leaders attempted to start wars in Ga, Al, and Ms.  

Watching the changes in society for the black man, I can understand how this kind of talk could start folks shooting.  

Did anyone ever think that Kambont may have been influenced by the Muslins?  It is another form of terrorist activity that could influence our overseas activities, may cause race riots among the military, and could possibly be devastating for all of us.

Offline Brett

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2005, 03:27:58 PM »
That's a good article TM7, your not turning toward the right on us are you?  I have to agree with Mr Duke.  We already have laws against assault, rape, murder, destruction of private property, etc. The end results of these acts are the same regardless of wether the motive for committing them was greed, hate or a bad acid trip. Why should there be different punishments metered out when the result of the crime is the same?
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Offline ajj

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2005, 08:31:23 AM »
I've never heard of Kambon but race-baiters of all races are just running a racket. Making outrageous speeches is simply a way to make money without working. Don't give it any more attention than it deserves.

Offline dave375hh

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2005, 03:28:01 AM »
Ajj is right, the best way to deal with an Moron like Kambon is to ignore him. Without an audience he becomes insigificant, unemployed, and just plain stupid!

Offline xs pro-comp

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2005, 06:43:03 AM »
It may be easy for some of us to ignore him but for the group he's preaching to he's adding fuel to a fire that's already started. I know in the area that I live in us white males are greatly hated by the young blacks both male and female because they view us as a threat to their advancing in life. I see this almost every day, the lack of respect and intolerance toward whites and I for one am not going to stick my head in the sand and believe that everything is just hunky dory believing that it will just go away. I'm not suggesting that we do anything that is violent or illegal but that we should be aware of what is being said and what's going on around us. Now before you ask or even suggest, no I AM NOT in the KKK or some SS group. They are NUTS also and do just as much harm in promoting peace and civil living between the races.

Offline Greysky

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The Curse Of PC MultiCULTuralism
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2005, 05:55:54 AM »
I'm fed-up with being force-fed politically correct propaganda espoused by the communications industry, our government, schools, the military, and every other mainstream source.

I don't share the popular, but destructive egalitarian spirit that is destroying the moral foundation of America, and inflicting a vindictive guilt trip on the white race.

For those who are interested, please feel free to peruse my web page on the subject of:The Great White Guilt Trip
If at first you don't succeed, by all means try again. But if this doesn't work, give up, because there is no sense in making a darn fool of yourself.

Offline RemingtonDave

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I still don't belive what I saw and heard!!
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2005, 02:13:53 AM »
This white-hating moron from NC should be allowed to speak or shout his views anywhere he likes.
Because I want to know who agrees with him, who defends him, and who finances him.
Leave him out there as bait to lure out like-minded people.
Know your enemy.
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