Got 2 does 10 mnutes apart last night. :grin:
Spooked a bunch of them when I walked to my stand but decided to sit anyway & see what happened. Bout 15 minutes later a pair of little guys came in & I could make out mom about 40 yards out watching but not wanting to come any closer. I watched them for 1/2 hour or so till they started looking like they were leaving & took the bigger of the 2.
Sat back down to give her time to die & 10 or so minutes later I saw movement off to my right & 3 more does came in. I deliberated for a bit wether or not I wanted to deal with 2 of them & decided I could handle it.
One of them turned broadside & I let one fly. Nice double lung hit & she ran bout 100 or so yards right by the little one before she crashed on a neighboring property.
I went & told the owner what happened & she went ballistic on me, acused me of hunting on her land & all kinds of things. :shock: Well once she calmed down I explained what had happened & told her I had no problem whatsoever with her calling a conservation officer if she thought I was in the wrong but she let me get my deer. Sure didn't make a friend but I got meat. :grin: