:roll: Mikey, Ruby Ridge is in Idaho.
As a law abiding citizen who has studied the incidents at both Waco and Ruby Ridge, I have concluded that there are only two people to blame for the flow of blood. David Koresh at Waco, and Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge.
As I see it, both cases could have been avoided if the the yellow bellied Koresh and Weaver had stepped forward and faced the music. By their actions, they defied law enforcement and really left little or no options for the agencies involved.
To me it is simple, if a cop attempts to stop you in your vehicle, do you run? No, most law abiding citizens stop. So the cop says you were speeding, doing 65 in a 40mph zone. You know full well you were only doing 35MPH. Do you refuse the ticket, shoot at the cop. I think not, you accept the ticket, maybe muttering a few choice words under your breath, you seek legal assistance and face the judge. If the punks at Waco and Ruby Ridge had stepped out like men, rather than hide behind women and children, then most likely all would be alive today.
I am not saying BTAF are saints, but simply pointing out the fact that we all have responsibilities, Koresh and Weaver did not accept the responsibility for their actions.
I would not be able to face myself knowing that just surrendering would have taken my family out of danger.