Author Topic: out foxed by a fox  (Read 742 times)

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Offline 91_4x4

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out foxed by a fox
« on: March 03, 2003, 03:30:43 PM »
I started trapping this year and I have got to say that it is definately in my very soul. My limited knowledge of trapping has been put to the test this year, and I am out of ideas. This is where the questions come in:
1. Has anyone cuaght red fox at a cubbie set?
 The reason I am asking is because this is the only sets I am familiar with. THe first night I set 7 traps, all cubbies of some sort. the next morning I had one toecatch with a big wad of red fur in it. From what I have read, reds are leery of close quarters. I also had one set against a bush that got royally thrashed, and the bandit made off with trap and the 18" 5/8" rebar stake it was tied to. I have discovered since then that it was a bobcat (found his tracks in the snow dragging the chain).
 2.    Will a coon expose a trap like a fox?
    I have had all my traps out for a week, and half have been dug up to some degree. One in particular was dug up and moved over 90 degrees allowing access to the bait hole. I reset every night to find the next day that something has jacked with every set. I have a total of 13 sets out at the moment ( all on 40 acres), and my running toal so far is 4 possum, and two skunks. I used sardines in half and carmans pro's choice in the other. Last night I reset every trap I had, and today, Two more possums.
     Any advice you can give me on trapping fox would be appreciated.
By the way, ALL of these sets were for cats, big flags and all.  Cats and fox are the only thing of value here in northTexas, and that is to a taxidermist.  Didn't mean to be long winded, just desperate for help.
Any other trappers here in North Texas? If so please contact me. We are few and far between in this neck of the woods

Offline RdFx

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Re : set off traps ect
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2003, 03:54:03 PM »
Sounds like you have the gumption to be a trapper!  First three things:  Listen, Observe, Patience.   I dont know how long you have trapped or how you have learned what knowledge you have now.  First the red fur in trap isnt fox as fox has black hair on paws.   Yes i have caught fox in cubbies.  I have caught fox in cubbies with trap not even covered in my earlier yrs  (51 yrs ago).  You mention traps being dug up or disturbed.  There are alot of things that could be the result of this.  Improperly bedded traps that are moving.  Traps that have a scent on them that animal can detect.   The sets that you have caught possums in still can catch fox if trap is reset properly .  There are alot of differant ways to set and reset traps and that comes with experience.  I would suggest you contact someone from your states trappers association and get a mentor that would be willing to show you the ropes.   If that isnt possible , get books or videos that  show you differant ways.  Ask questions on  and on this site.  Dont be afraid to ask.  Asa Lenon who frequents this site would be happy to send you info on trapping  if you ask him.  Asa is the son of Herb Lenon  and i would advise  you to LISTEN, OBSERVE, and have PATIENCE  when he  answers your questions.  Dont be afraid to ask more questions if you dont understand. Now it is up to you to pursue  an avenue of yr choice of information.

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2003, 03:56:08 PM »
4 X 4:  E-mail me at and i'll e-mail you some canine trapping tips that might help you get started on the right foot.  Ace

Offline CoOnKiD88

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2003, 05:03:37 PM »
Another problem that you may have is trap contamination. you can have any rust or human odors on your traps or near your traps. you not the only on not catching fox. ive been trying for 2 years they have done everything to me from taking a dump on my set to plugging my dirtholes. One other thing. try making a variaty of sets and use diffrent baits, lures, and scents at them. Try making a dirthole set. its vary easy.
Have some king of backing. weither it be a rock,clump of glass, stump ect ect. and make a hole anywhere from 2-4 inches in diamerter going into your backing at a steap angle but make it deap. but your lure or bait ( Or both ) into the hole and place your trap 5-8 inches away from the hole. or you can make a double dirthole. make one of the dirtholes going steep and to the left and another one going to the right and not as steap. this way the fox will come to check out this set and hes going to have to be close up to the hole to see down into the hole and farther back to see the one to see the not as steap on.. Try making a post set- find something that stands out where the fox travel and place you trap 6-8 inches away from in and put some urine or a gand lure on this object, weither it be a rock, stump, stick, clump of grass, anything really that sticks out and make this set look natural so blend it in. and there is also a flat set. its simalar to a post set but you dont have to use urine. Good Luck hope this helps some. try going to then going to basic sets to. lots of great information. also a great book is " Land Sets and trapping techniques " its like 180 pages and tells alot of about trapping.

Offline Wackyquacker

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2003, 05:35:35 PM »
Lets get back to the bobcat that pulled your stake.  You must be in soft soil or your trap chain length needs to be reevaluated, since an 18 inch stake didn't hold a cat overnight.  How long of a trap chain were you using?  On a single stake you probably want to be somewhere around 18" or more to avoid pump outs.  On short chains you probably need to cross stake or use cable anchors.  Although you're after fox, you probably better plan for coyotes when considering staking and trap strength.  

Hope to see you around this forum we'll all help any way we can and we just might get a chance to learn a bunch from you.  Welcome!

Offline Mallard

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2003, 05:49:46 AM »
Aside from what has been suggested, I might suggest getting after that cat. find someone with a dog and run him down. maybe even get a caller to assist you in the task of finishing what you've started. If you cut a track of the animal wearing your jewelry, it's your responsibility to do what you can to harvest it. RdFx mentioned looking into your states trapper association for help in finding a mentor, and I couldn't agree more. I don't want to sound harsh or critical, and certainly can see you've taken a fond interest in the activity, so do what needs to be done to do it the right way. It seems to me you're putting the cart before the horse. What good is set location and set techniques, without adequate trap fastening? There is a good pile of trappers on this site ready and willing to help. best wishes~ :-)
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Offline Mallard

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2003, 05:50:59 AM »
Aside from what has been suggested, I might suggest getting after that cat. find someone with a dog and run him down. maybe even get a caller to assist you in the task of finishing what you've started. If you cut a track of the animal wearing your jewelry, it's your responsibility to do what you can to harvest it. RdFx mentioned looking into your states trapper association for help in finding a mentor, and I couldn't agree more. I don't want to sound harsh or critical, and certainly can see you've taken a fond interest in the activity, so do what needs to be done to do it the right way. It seems to me you're putting the cart before the horse. What good is set location and set techniques, without adequate trap fastening? There is a good pile of trappers on this site ready and willing to help. best wishes~ :-)
Proud member NTA, MTA, NRA, DU and DW


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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2003, 05:36:17 PM »
Very well put Mallard, see you arent just a QUACK! :lol:  I agree wholeheartedly, that you need to get some dogs and find that animal with your trap on its leg.  I do not like that at all and it is our responsiblity as trappers and outdoorsman to cleanly take our prey.  That should be your first priority.

As far as cubbies and sets, it was suggested to get some mentor or videos to help you out.  I totally agree and you can learn alot from alot of videos on the market.  Asa Lenon has some good material and I am sure that will guide you in the right direction.

Good luck and find that cat!  That is a trophy and here in Pa., we have to let em go if we dont have a tag and I would love to have one mounted.

Offline 91_4x4

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out foxed by a fox
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2003, 01:28:56 PM »
Thanks guys for all the info. I've been real busy tryin' to get that cat that swiped my #2. I set a snare out at the hole his tracks led into. Nothing so far. Been calling every night, but no luck. I was thinking about some scent being on my traps. This year, I just went to the grocery store and bought canning wax to wax these traps I'm using. Could this be the problem? I do not wear gloves, but I do wash my hands in Scent free soap before I run the trapline. Anyways, thanks for all the input. This is my first year to trap, and in the 14 days I had traps out, I caught about 10 skunks, 6 to 8 possums, 6 coons, 1 bobcat (not the one that got away). Trapping is in my blood now. Can't wait 'till next year
Any other trappers here in North Texas? If so please contact me. We are few and far between in this neck of the woods