Try to trace out the wiring exactly.........First, start at the plug on one prong and follow the AC line inside. It should go directly to one side of the heater core? The second-return lead must start at the other plug prong, go inside to one side of the power switch, correct? Usually there is a power switch in one leg of the AC power. Coming out of the power switch, the line goes to the heater core. A small white wire running away from the line is usually for a power light/LED then back to the AC line. But you tell me what you see and try to draw it on paper.
An in-line fusable link is sometimes difficult to detect... It could be part of the line. That's why you need to check each segment of the wiring...Starting at the plug and go to the first splice or solder joint with the ohm meter. Then move to the next joint or connection. As you continue along, you are seeing continuity, then when you lose it, BINGO...there's the OPEN. Some times the switch itself will fail open (seldom shorts out). Again, by checking across the switch contacts, first in one position (OFF), then flip the switch to the other position (ON) you test the switch if it passes current.