Even if this were public land, I would not even get out of my truck. There are at least two good reasons for this. 1. IMHO, it is kind of cheap to throw on the breaks, hop out, and shoot a deer. It's one step removed from just rolling down the window and blasting away, or speeding up when they cross in front of you :twisted: No offence. 2. It sounds like a good way to get shot, or shoot someone. If it is not an area that you are familiar with, how do you know what is on the other side of the tree line or ridge. A hiking trail? Campsite? Local elementary school? I think you should always know your surrounding before you take a shot, and how can that be possible if you have never set foot in the area before? By the way, this is assuming I KNEW it was public land. If I wasn't sure, it's not even an issue. trespassing is a VERY good way to get shot in some areas of the country.