god this is a tough one, i love all of my 22's what else can you do for so much outdoors fun on so little money.
Favorite modern / new gun : Henry Golden Boy with the large loop and otagonal barrel. this gun is pure shooter right out of the box, i will put her up against any other open site western syle 22 made. Super smooth action, will feed anything, really want to take her hunting , but she is so darned pretty. 2nd place: Ruger 96/22 lever action. this gun has some of the nice features of the 10/22 in a lever action package. Doesnt look western , but the little carbine sure can shoot, and the rotary mag is hard to beat.
Favorite to hunt with : Mossberg Palomino 402/ westernfield, this gun is a very good tack driver, had to make some repairs when i first bought it used. But now very reliable, 8x power scope will pick squirrel out of the sky . easy to cary and smooth action. you dont see them everyday
favorite semi auto: sorry dont have a 10/22 , maybe someday. Mossberg 152 with pull down forearm so you can fire like a machine gun, little factory 4x scope. will shoot eyes out of ants at 75 yards, eats all ammo., cool looking. 2nd favorite; Remington 550-1, the first semi auto that i bought for myself a few years ago, this open sited gun shoots smooth and accurate and i swear it would shoot mudballs if i could get them in it. It will eat any ammo i give it.
Other favorites, my dads marlin39a gold trigger, how can you go wrong with solid steel reciever and classic looks, savage pump , dads remington model 12 pump. all my other mossy/ westernfields
Wish list: old mossy with mannlicher stock, ruger 77/22 , browning buckmark carbine, Henry pump with octagonal barrell
Handguns, several old H & R, Phoenix semi auto. wanting a ruger semi auto and single action real bad
Face it , i love 22's. how can you not. If i had to pick 3 to keep and lose the others, the mossy 152, mossy palomino, and probably the savage pump would stay. The pump because it was so hard to find.
thanks d