Author Topic: Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...  (Read 1805 times)

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Offline JPH45

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« on: November 15, 2005, 12:03:28 PM »
Told my boss today I was going to a Pdog shoot in Oklahoma in May. His only response was.... "Ya can't go May 26-30, I'm taking vacation that week" So I'm open anytime but then. Even though it ain't quite Thanksgiving yet, we are only 6 1/2 months from May, I got a shootin' trailer rig to build complete with two benches, gotta dig up a Pdog barrel/rifle, only ones I got are deer rifles, and gotta figure out how many pennies I need so's I can get them rounded up too.

Boycott Natchez Shooters Supplies, Inc

Offline hellacatcher

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2005, 12:41:00 PM »
Me thinks someone has been hanging with bad company and has been influenced
from Tennessee---Paul

Offline Datil

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Oklahoma P. Dog shoot
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2005, 01:51:28 PM »
Me think there is about 3 bad company down there.
 I am ready for some shooting, and some of Dano's Ribs :-D  :-D

Offline mitchell

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2005, 05:16:21 PM »
so what you all doing tomorrow????

i think it will have to be up to the guys out in OK but anytime is fine with  me
curiosity killed the cat , but i was lead suspect for a while

Offline dano

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2005, 02:44:46 AM »
Guys we are ready all the time. Wes is still in New Orleans I will find out when he is going to be arround. Look forward to seeing you all again Dano

Offline Graybeard

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 03:53:50 AM »
Early June worked out pretty good this time. I think Wes said if we got there too much earlier it might be too muddy to get to some areas. I recall one we went to that was nearly too muddy after the rain we had while there. The 4x2 trucks sure were slipping and sliding.  :)

Much later would be too darn hot and even early June was too much for me to be out all day long. I'm thinking the latter half of May or early June would be good.

But Dan and Wes are the key to the dates. Since they are the main players on the OK end of it we must let them decide I think and then adjust to that.

Hey Dan I wanna start off in that pasture we ended up at last time. The one you ran the cows off and talked with the owners while we were shooting. I liked that one.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline lik2hunt

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2005, 02:28:57 AM »
Rain!! What's that??!! Haven't seen any here in SE Ok for a while now. Creeks are all dry, ponds are drying up, and the acorns are teeny tiny if they made at all (which keeps the deer on the corn more actually :wink: ).
Oh yea, we're talking Prarie Dogs tho ain't we? No telling about the weather in any part of OK, but I thought last year's shoot was a great success in spite of the torrential downpours and wintery weather on Saturday morning.
Wes and Dan, ya'lls some great hosts and to all the others who helped out and let us on their land, Kudos also. I'm really looking forward to this coming year's shoot. But we will need to have some kind of tentative dates by the end of January or so we can all start putting in for a little vacation time.

Oh yea, this is my 1000th post!!!
lik2hunt------>in OK

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Offline Graybeard

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2005, 05:41:04 AM »
1000 posts?  :eek:  Ya long winded rascal.  :lol:

I agree it was a nice hunt this year and only that one cold windy morning was anything but great.

While we were out there it rained every day back home here. Rained pretty much all summer when it was supposed to be dry and then just quit. It's nearly like a desert here now. Most of the state got no rain to only 1/4" or so during October and darn little in September. We've have only 1/2" so far in November.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline lik2hunt

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2005, 10:59:01 PM »
Wayell.....I thought it might be a good time to revive this post. It definitely is time to start thinking about putting the annual OK PD shoot together for this year. Digger and I have been talking, planning, and counnting on it ever since we left the last one. I know Wes' situation has drastically changed since last years' shoot and I know there is a tentative plan for a Montana shoot this year too. Fine idea to have it in two locations if ya ask me. That way those who are too far to make one may find it easier to make another.
Even if Wes is "out of pocket" a bit for this one, I know Dano and the rest of the Panhandle crew are more than able to make this thing happen again. I vote for the first or second week of June again, seemed to be good last year for everyone.
As far as rain goes, if you've been watching the news then you know here in Southern Ok and North Texas we have had severe drought now for quite a while. Huge grassfire just across the highway from my house that burned for two days this week and destroyed a neighbor's pick-up and almost got his house too. A good customer where my wife works has lost his home and many just south of here have lost homes as well. On one day last week there were so many grass fires burning within a 50 mile radius it was actually hard to keep up with them all.
Here's the latest.

Check out all the fire related stories at these links.
lik2hunt------>in OK

“The thing that separates the American Christian from every other person on earth is the fact that he would rather die on his feet, than live on his knees!"
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Offline stimpylu32

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2005, 10:59:07 AM »

I am planning to come out west and i know that some of the other ohio boys are too , What we need is more info on the who-when-where .

There is not much we can do from this end BUT if there is let me know I'll  do what i can .

Bill -- If we can pull this off will you be willing to line up the gifts and door prizes like last time .
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:D If i can,t stop it with 6 it can,t be stopped

Offline Graybeard

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2005, 09:33:12 PM »
Bill -- If we can pull this off will you be willing to line up the gifts and door prizes like last time .

No promises but I will try to line some up if I can. How the folks react this time to the request likely will be at least partly controlled by how many folks thanked them last time which is something I have no clue about as I've not asked.

If we get a date certain set for me to work off of I will likely ask that they be sent directly to either Wes or Dan rather than to me. My health being what it is I may or may not be able to make it. I plan to but all of my plans have to be "depending on my health" at the time. Besides the volume of the stuff last time was really a lot more than I had expected and I'd just as soon not have to pack it up and then unload once there.

I'm sure at least some of the folks will again offer prizes.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Wlscott

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2006, 02:47:52 AM »
Quote from: Graybeard
Bill -- If we can pull this off will you be willing to line up the gifts and door prizes like last time .

No promises but I will try to line some up if I can. How the folks react this time to the request likely will be at least partly controlled by how many folks thanked them last time which is something I have no clue about as I've not asked.

If we get a date certain set for me to work off of I will likely ask that they be sent directly to either Wes or Dan rather than to me. My health being what it is I may or may not be able to make it. I plan to but all of my plans have to be "depending on my health" at the time. Besides the volume of the stuff last time was really a lot more than I had expected and I'd just as soon not have to pack it up and then unload once there.

I'm sure at least some of the folks will again offer prizes.

I know I personally called and thanked every contact on the list.  Most were open to supporting the next shoot.  That was a few months ago though.

Here is my situation at this time.  I am going to be down here until 22 Jan 06 at which time I will go home for one week.  I return to Baton Rouge on 29 Jan 06 and work another 90 day contract.  At the end of that contract which will be up on 28 April, 06 I plan on going out to Moyock NC for some training with Blackwater (5 day Pistol/Carbine Operator Course and maybe their High Threat Operators Course). Then home for a few days.  I will probably head back to La for another contract after that time. If it works out that way, I will probably not be home during the June time frame unless I am allowed to only do a 60 day contract at that time.  In this line of work, you have to take the contracts as they come.

Now, having said all of that.....If I get accepted to the Blackwater Academy in March this will all go out the window.  The academy is two months which puts me at the end of April.  When I graduate from the Academy, I'll likely go oversees for a year.  

You guys plan the shoot with Dan, I'll get ahold of the other guys and get them involved, and if I can be there when the shoot happens, I will.  I'll check the site often, and help as I can.
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Offline Graybeard

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2006, 06:03:38 AM »
Wes I know you did a lot of planning, coordinating and contacting the land owners to make the last one happen. The question is can/will Dan and the other guys do the ground work needed?

Dan will you be able to make the time needed to be off during the shoot to get the folks around?

I know a large effort is needed on the part of the folks who host it out there but a fair bit of money and time is required for the folks who travel long distances too. Without locals to show us around and clear it with the land owners it would be a wasted trip for the folks.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline lik2hunt

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2006, 11:29:08 PM »
Wes - the adventure continues huh? Sure hope you can make it man. If not, all the best to ya and your efforts. Sounds like you won't be lacking for something to have fun at while we're bustin' them P-Dogs.

Dano - Gonna pull this off? Digger and I can do some spotting and shot follow up for any newbies this year. I know anyone who was there last year ought to have enough knowledge for this too. We'd be willing to help out any other way we could once we got there too. Just can't help much with perliminaries being so far away, but if you need us for anything ahead of time (what to bring, ammo locating, etc.) let us know.

GB - hope you can make it this year too man. You really didn't get to enjoy the full scope of PD hunting last year. Hope you can get all the health issues resolved, at least the major ones anyway, ahead of time too. Gotta have a few health probs so all us old farts can have something to talk to each other about when we get out there.  :lol:
lik2hunt------>in OK

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Time To Start Thinking Of A Date...
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2006, 04:03:24 AM »
Well it`s been about a month . Deer season is over here in Ohio and pretty munch every place else. Sooooooo. We need to get this thing going.
I am self emp so i can take off anytime last year worked fine for me.
Looks like we lost a few but will gain some new guys. Hope to see you all
in June or when ever.  :D  Rich
I rather be over the hill than in it