Author Topic: This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!  (Read 979 times)

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Offline Patriot_1776

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« on: November 18, 2005, 11:35:13 AM »

Special sneakers help migrants cross border illegally
SAN DIEGO - The high-top sneakers cost $215 at a San Diego boutique, but the designer is giving them away to migrants before they cross to this side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
These are no ordinary shoes.

A compass and flashlight dangle from one shoelace. The pocket in the tongue is for money or pain relievers. A rough map of the border region is printed on a removable insole.

They are red, white and green, the colors of the Mexican flag. On the back ankle, a drawing of Mexico's patron saint of migrants.

On this side of the border, the shoes sit in art collections or the closets of well-heeled sneaker collectors. On the other side, in Tijuana, it's a utilitarian affair: Immigrants-to-be are happy to have the sturdy, light-weight shoes for the hike or dash into the United States.

Their designer is Judi Werthein, an Argentine artist who moved to New York in 1997 legally, she notes.

One recent evening in Tijuana, after giving away 50 pairs at a migrant shelter, Werthein waved the insole and pointed to Interstate 8, the main road between San Diego and Phoenix.

"This blue line is where you want to go," Werthein, 38, said in Spanish.

"Good luck! You're all very courageous," she told the cheering crowd of about 50 men huddled in a recreation room after dinner.

"God bless you!" several cried back.

Werthein has concluded that shoes are a border crosser's most important garment.

"The main problem that people have when they're crossing is their feet," Werthein. "If people are going to cross anyway, at least this will make it safer."

Only 1,000 pairs of the "Brinco" sneakers (it means "Jump" in Spanish) have been made in China, for $17 each. The shoes were introduced in August at inSite, an art exhibition in San Diego and Tijuana whose sponsors include nonprofit foundations and private collectors.

Benefactors put up $40,000 for the project; Werthein gets a $5,000 stipend, plus expenses.

The shoes have kicked up a mini-controversy in art circles.

A San Diego surgeon told Werthein that she was encouraging illegal immigration a charge she rejects, saying people will cross with or without her shoes. The surgeon's wife sided with her, Werthein said, and bought the shoes.

Chris and Eloisa Haudenschild display a pair of the sneakers at their resplendent San Diego home. Eloisa Haudenschild said the shoes portray an uncomfortable reality about the perils of crossing the border.

"It's a reality that we don't like to look at," she said. "That's what an artist points out."

Across the border, several curious migrants waiting for sunset along a cement river basin approached Werthein as she emptied a sport utility vehicle of white shoe boxes. One man already wore a dirty pair of Brincos. Another, Felipe de Jesus Olivar Canto, slipped into a size 11 and said he would use them instead of his black leather shoes.

"These are much more comfortable for hiking," according to Olivar Canto, who said he was heading for $6.75-an-hour work installing doors and windows in Santa Ana, about 90 miles north of the border. "The ones I have are more dressy."

From there, Werthein went to Casa del Migrante, a Tijuana shelter that will receive a share of the proceeds from Brincos sold in the United States.

Jose Garcia, 30, eased into a size 10, which he said he would wear to cross the California desert on his way to Las Vegas or Phoenix.

"Those are way too heavy, and they don't breathe," he said, pointing to clunky hiking boots that he tossed aside.

"Does it have a sensor to alert us to the Border Patrol?" joked Javier Lopez, 33, who said he had a $10-an-hour job hanging drywall waiting for him in Denver.
<<< How do you like that little...Ahem....joke?

This isn't the first time Werthein has tried to appeal to art aficionados and low-wage workers alike. In 2002, she turned a room in the Bronx Museum into a salon, painting the walls pink and inviting the public to get their fingernails covered with work from the museum's collection.

Blends, a downtown San Diego boutique, displays the shoes on a black pedestal. Werthein says Blends and Printed Matter, a store in Manhattan, have sold about 350 pairs.

"I wouldn't wear them, and I wouldn't want my husband to wear them," said Blends browser Antonieta LaRussa, 28. "But the cause is awesome. There's so much opposition to immigration. She's looking at it from the other side of the fence and asking why."

To research the best design over two years, Werthein interviewed shoe designers, migrants, aid workers, even an immigrant smuggler. She joined the Mexican government's Grupo Beta migrant-aid society on long border hikes. She heard from a Salvadoran woman in Tijuana who said she was kidnapped and raped by her smuggler.

Based on those interviews, she added a pocket -- migrants told her they were often robbed. She also added the flashlight -- many cross at night.

Some get lost hence, the compass and map.

"If you get lost," she told the men at the shelter, "just go north."


I hope after reading that you are as mad as I am.

I'll leave you with that to chew on, as it is shockingly quite a bit.


Offline Shorty

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2005, 01:31:42 PM »
How can I be mad while laughing my a$$ off?
What next?  Designer serapes?  Cabelas Acuna shirts?  L.L. Bean Wetback wear?  Lands End desert sweaters?  :)

Offline jh45gun

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2005, 02:42:30 PM »
Quote from: TM7
Won't be laughin if they take your job, or your job goes good-bye.


Not sticking up for them  but from what I have read most of these folks work at jobs most white folks do not even want to bother to do.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Rogue Ram

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 05:15:17 PM »
I'll jump in to this one. I work in the fed system and can tell you unequivocally that a fair percentage of the them running across the border either are, have been, or will be involved in slinging dope. I had my eyes opened real quick and learned differently about the old stereotype of "we're just looking for honest work".  True, many are. I've met them and dealt with many of them without issue. However, they aren't all here working in agriculture or (God forbid) building houses.

A LARGE number of illegals fall into a category known as aggravated illegal  re-entry criminals.....they were deported after being convicted for a felony in this country (always DOPE)  and then came back. If caught, they face a 24 month standard sentence, 3 square meals, exercise yard, air conditioning, and medical care at YOUR EXPENSE. I have personally witnessed MANY of them purposely get popped for something then come back as a criminal re-entry for the express purpose of YOU paying for THEIR medical care, e.g., cancer, vision related issues, kidney diseases, etc.  Been there, seen it, and seen the bills folks.  

FYI, your federal prisons aren't full of bank robbers, kidnappers, meth cooks, etc., they are filling up with criminal illegal re-entry convicts.

The woman in the article is a traitor and should be charged federally with Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting, and other immigration related charges.

I don't have the answer (well, I do, but mine isn't politically correct and Saddam would want the top bunk, so never mind), but I'd rather see at least some of my military on my Southern border manning a big ditch or a wall as opposed to having all of them in someone else's sandbox.


Ok I'm done.



Offline nomosendero

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 07:31:43 PM »

I certainly agree.

Many say that the illegal's will do jobs that no one else will do. Funny thing, though. Before they started coming here, someone was actually
doing those jobs. True enough, many of the locals have learned to work the system, which is another problem. I think we need to get rid of the
Social Eng., then someone will need those jobs & keep the illegals across
the border at the same time!
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline Brett

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2005, 02:27:46 AM »
TM7 & Nomosendero;  I have to agree with both of you on this one, especially about fixing the welfare system.  I've had the 'pleaser' of working in a Government subsidized housing project and what I see makes my blood boil.  Most of these individual are more than capable of working some job.  However, they are getting subsidized rent (many paying only $30/month), a welfare check, medicaid, etc. and doing nothing but hanging out doing drugs and playing.  Many of the apartments I've worked in have cable or satellite TV, nicer TVs and stereos than what I can afford.  The parking lots are full of these little souped up rice rockets with $1,000 wheel & tire packages on them.  And here I am self employed, driving a five year old second hand truck which I had to take out a home equity lone to purchase and paying about 1/4 of my income for health insurance for myself and my daughter.
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Offline jrdudas

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2005, 12:43:34 PM »
I lived in Tucson, Arizona for many years and was there on vacation last May.  While there I had occasion to try to find medical care for an out-of-town friend who was there with us.  I was shocked when I could not find a local Urgent Care facility; of the many that had been in business all but two had closed.  The waiting room at one of those that remained open was packed and the staff refused to accept medical insurance from any company.  Their policy is to require payment in cash and then the patient must seek repayment from their insurance company.  It was obvious that the wait at this facility would be several hours, so we asked if there was an alternative.  They suggested we go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital.  The need here was a quick exam and a prescription for an ongoing health problem but it was not an emergency situation.  

Prior to this we had tried to find a local doctor but since my friend had to leave the next day we could not find any doctor with an opening. Upon arriving at the hospital, which also had a packed waiting room, we learned that the wait would be a minimum of 6 hours.   Finally we found the other Urgent Care facility and while they also would not accept my friends insurance, at least we were able to see the doctor and get the needed prescription.  This experience showed me how overwhelmed the medical community in Tucson is.  Apparently the situation is much worse than when I lived there.  So many non-citizens, both legal and illegal, are  crossing the border looking for medical care that the medical community can't keep up.  That coupled with the number of our own citizens who are uninsured is beginning to cripple the system.  Just one more example the effects of illegal immigration.


Offline Sourdough

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2005, 03:24:56 PM »
I keep hearing this "They take jobs americians won't take".  I got news for you guys that say that.  My niece married an illegial, this guy was working as a welder building highrise buildings.  Now tell me that's not a job some americian welder would not want.  I've knowen of them driving local delivery trucks, even driving school buses (that did not last long, the fingerprinting requirement caught up with them).  But as long as they can get a state to give them a drivers licsence, they are going to try to get a better job driving.
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline rockbilly

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2005, 04:26:19 PM »
:shock: If they want a drivers license all they have to do is go to South Carolina.  It is such a big joke right now, they come by bus loads from New York, Penn. New Jersey for a SC drivers license.  

 :evil:  :evil: As for taking jobs, etc.  The goal of LULAC is to get as many in the US as possible.  They are being enrolled in collages all over the USA at your expense.  When they are, they normally knock an American kid out.

As for the illegals bring dope into the USA, that is no longer necessary.  Many remote areas are being used to grow or make drugs.  I understand several national forrest in CA have so much dope being made/grown by illegals that the law can't catch them.  Most of these "farms/labs are guarded by heavly armed illegals.

If the influx of illegal aliens doesn't stop or slow down, we will all be speaking spanish shortly.  LULAC even bragged at a recent meeting in Little Rock, Ar., that "the border with Mexico is no longer Texas, it is now Arkansas." :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Online ironglow

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This Kind of Crap Has GOT TO STOP!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2005, 01:54:56 AM »
Perhaps the "Minute Men", guarding our borders should contrive with some patriotic veternarians, and get a supply of those locator chips, such as they inject into animals.
   Armed with those, they can serruptitiously place them in those sneakers at the stores/shelters.
   Once a few of those wetbacks are located and detained because of their " gift sneakers"...the treasonous sneaker providers and the "artist"  that designed them will be considered " sneaky snitches"....LOL
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