SkeeterbaymacWhat an absolute
PLEASURE to read your posts!
You sir, make a fine argument and do it in a manner that shows you as a
gentleman of distinction and you are a credit to this discussion.
I mean that with the deepest of sincerety!
There is nothing wrong with disagreement at all and controversy is a good thing as I believe it stimulates thought.
Let me explain a few points that perhaps I didn't make very clear.
I don't think I said that a person could not hit a bear when the s.h.t.f. I was trying to point out that at bad breath distance with a charging animal one would have to brain the thing or interupt the spine to make an effective
stopping shot.
I completely agree not all serious situations involving threatening animals are the same.
Sure a heavy bullet hitting a charging animal would have an effect, but I'm speaking only about very close "I'm about to get eaten" situations where a few seconds or even less could make a huge difference to a persons chances of survival.
In the case of a very close range encounter it would make little difference if you are armed with a .44 mag or .500 mag. A brain shot is about the only hope you would have and any .44 load would work as well as a .454, .460, .475, .500 and so on.
I guess what I'm saying is that carrying a big bore handgun or a HUGE bore handgun makes little effective difference in that kind of situation.
I am addressing a
tactical survival scenereo not a hunting scenereo.
As an aside to all this rest assured I would still carry a handgun if hunting dargerous game if only for the 'feel good' effect.
Feeling better is o.k. as long as you are not lulled into a false sense of security.
I live in N.E. Ohio in a rare somewhat secluded area with no close neighbors.
Believe it or not I had a situation invovling a feral dog that was ready to pounce on my 5 year old last year.
It ended o.k but I was not armed. I never considered the need to ever carry a gun on my own place.
How would have thunk it would ever be necessary?
Now however I never leave the yard without at least a .357 on my person.
If it happend once it could happen again.
You make some very good points in a very fine fashion!