Went down to North Carolina for the Thanks Giving Holiday. My cousin had called and told me about the feral hog problem he was having on his peanut fram just north of Greeansville. So being the good cousin I am I call my daughter and brother and told them we needed to go help our cousin and hunt some pigs. My bother flew in from Houston and my daughter and your BF drove up from Fla. We hunted the back side of the farm all weekend. By the end of the wekend we killed 5 pigs. My daughter took the biggest pig weighting in at 192 lbs. The others were in the 130-140 range. All but one was killed with either my tracker 12ga or tracker 20 ga. The last pig (mine) was taken with my Remington 1858 buffalo cap and ball black powder pistol at about 50 ft.