I am a Contender shooter now for a number of years and a black powder rifle shooter as well. I've all but given up on centerfire rifles. I love the handguns too much. What I want to do is replace my black powder rifle with a black powder pistol so I can have the best of both worlds. We have a black powder season here in Wisconsin and I'd like to hunt it with a pistol. I know the 209x50 is available for the Encore. Is there anything for the Contender that is safe and shoots well? I'm hoping for a 14" barrel or so. I don't want to lay out the cash to get into a whole new Encore setup.
Any insight would be great.
BTW, I took a nice 5 pointer with my 10" 357Max at 60 yrds. Shot him through the heart. He jumped about 20', turned around to look back as if to say what the he** was that, and dropped over dead. Gotta love it.
Thanks guys for the input.
bj :grin: